Web site life cycle plan A plan should be prepared for managing appropriate life cycle processes for the Web site—acquisition, sup- ply, development, operation, and maintenance. The plan for the Web site should define when, how, and by whom specific activities are to be performed, including options and alternatives, as appropriate. The plan should include, at least, the following generic items: a) Date of issue and status b) Scope c) Issuing organization d) References e) Approval authority f) Planned activities and tasks g) Macro references (policies or laws that give rise to the need for this plan) h) Micro references (other plans or task descriptions that elaborate details of this plan) i) Schedules j) Estimates k) Resources and their allocation l) Responsibilities and authority m) Risks n) Quality control measures o) Cost p) Interfaces among parties involved q) Environment/infrastructure (including safety needs) r) Training s) Glossary t...